The current financial situation in this country leads one to shake the head and roll the eyes. It wouldn't surprise me so much that we would be in a recession due to a certain war and other shady dealings from the past administration, but what does surprise me is the lack of foresight in correcting it. After hearing David Cay Johnston read excerpts from his book "Free Lunch" it rattles my brain to think that all of this isn't common public knowledge. There are huge amounts of money sitting in the wrong peoples pockets, gee what you do if you were president? The key to solving any problem is the ability to look beyond your own skill set, there are many axioms of economic rebuilding that have been proven to work, not only including a new provision for a modern era Work Program, TVA or CWA. Creating other types of industry here in the USA is also paramount, IT jobs, training programs, redirecting our armed services to provide re-building assistance with the aid of a unified front from other countries, stopping the countless lay-offs by placing a temporary hold on them, perhaps taking a temporary loss in profit in order to export goods and services, creating a rhythm of production here and a reliance elsewhere in the world. I'd like to see a balanced system of taxation here as well, the vast amount of resources available would easily pay for things like a universal health care system, better schools and better pay for teachers.
The Republican party posing as the opposition party, really pisses me off. If your going to embrace a bi-partisan view, than pressure these idiots to provide their own plans for a better economy - ie; put up or shut up. The whining and foot dragging has to stop. Pony up folks, let's end this downward spiral. We can do it.