Sunday, March 11, 2007

My Little corner of the world.


Unknown said...

"Integrity" is a word used in advertising all over the world, yet seldom exhibited. John is a unique craftsman who truly embodies integrity, and applies his gifts with warmth, humor, and professionalism.

Willie Baronet said...

Man, enjoyed looking at the progress of your work. That is a skill I haven't developed in myself. Thanks for the kind words about my painting. ;-) That was the first time I ever got so many comments!

nice lopes said...

Hi, John! Your works are cool!Thanks for visiting my blog!

Anonymous said...

Mr Highstreet,
I very much enjoyed looking at your latest work, the bathroom in the designer's house. It looks lovely and clearly reflects your care about craftsmanship. I was intrigued by your comment about recreating Notre Dame with pine needles. As someone who has always "pined for our mother", I would like to take you up on this. Not full size, of course, but perhaps to a 1/20th scale. Do let me know if you are interested: we have both pine trees that shed and pictures of the cathedral.
Mr. Hudson

About This Site

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Concord, MA, United States
Fine finish restoration carpentry, remodeling or anything in between. Writing music for short films and conspiring on anything creative